Forensic Economic Consulting

Objective and defensible expertise in litigation with integrity.

Sound Econ provides economic consulting and expert witness testimony in a broad area of subject matters. Our firm works closely with defense and plaintiff attorneys and insurance companies to evaluate economic damages.

Practice Areas

Damage Calculations


Sound Econ calculates economic damages resulting from civil litigation disputes. Damage calculations are prepared with reasonable certainty based upon justifiable assumptions. Our firm analyzes and quantifies economic damages in a broad range of civil matters, primarily resulting from personal injury, business interruption, wrongful death, and employment disputes.

Expert Witness Testimony


Our firm specializes in determining the present value of damages. Ms. Lansing is a qualified expert witness. She presents complex calculations and economic concepts in plain terms that are compelling and easily understood by the trier of fact and other individuals involved in the litigation process.

Business Valuation


Valuation techniques vary widely between businesses, industries, and evaluators. We have a breadth of experience selecting the appropriate techniques and approaches that produce an accurate determination of value considering all relevant case circumstances. Our valuations are prepared under rigorous standards that result in defensible conclusions of value.

Sound Econ provides professional consulting services to attorneys and their clients to solve complex economic disputes.

Get in Touch

Sound Econ looks forward to discussing how we may provide forensic economic services to you.